Monday, December 13, 2004

let your body speak

Words are not enough to let another person know how you feel. Saying something does not necessarily mean you have said what you really want. Your actions are what's important if you really want to let another person know what truly is in your heart and mind. Words are just words when there's no proof of what you said through your actions.

It is easy to say something. Sometimes you even utter words that surprises you on why you said it. What you said may only be made to cover up for something, to lie about something, or just to say that you have said something. But there are some things that your body does that can contradict what you say. You can say that you're not hurt by another person, but your eyes can say otherwise. Or you can tell everybody that you're happy, but they can see and tell that you're crying inside.

What i'm trying to say is that, even if you tell another person a thousand, or even a million times how you feel, if that person does not see that your actions and your body says so, that person will have a difficulty believeing even the most honest words you have said. The body speaks a more precise language than the mouth alone. If you want to be understood better, learn to let your body speak. Always back your words with the corresponding actions. In this way, others can understand you better and know how sincere you are and true to your words.

1 comment:

Rye said...

I think the body talk works for those who are adapted to understanding it also. If the person is callous, then he/she will not understand it either. Though you can try anyway. Try talking to someone who you think can relate to you in the matter you're willing to spend time talking.