Wednesday, February 23, 2005

a sigh of relief

you can sleep now child
take the rest you deserve
everything will be fine now
it just takes a while to adjust

it will be back to where it was
you need not worry nor be in doubt
just sleep now my child
and everything will work out right

stay strong, stay fighting
though the turmoil's over
there'll still be confusion about
don't fear, don't give up
be optimistic my child
soon everything will be alright

don't change; remain who you are
nothing's wrong with you
even if you brought yourself to this mess
yourself's still not to blame
it's just a test, a trial
to know yourself, how strong you are
how determined you are
in your endeavor, in where you are right now
keep your head up my child
you're good, you'll be alright

don't lose hope;
don't lose your confidence
that's the thing you need now
remain hoping, remain wishing
but work for them, in order to have them
do what you can, do your best
to finally get hold
of the thing you wish, the thing you hope for
work hard my child
you'll have what you want in no time...

sleep now child
and wake up to a brand new start...

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